Solala Blog for week of 8/25

  The wise one who preserves peace in his inner self encounters no dangers on his way. He can fight in a battle and not be harmed by weapons. He has nowhere for the rhinoceros to stick his horn. Tigers can find nowhere to use their claws. No weapon can harm him. Why is this? Because he has no place for death to enter. Daode Jing Chapter  50   Affirmation: If I am able to find true peace within myself […]

Quote for week 8/11/14

Everything is cyclical, and in every cycle there comes a point where things turn around. Great adversity was once overwhelming; now it starts to wane. Those who remain centered will go through bad times and eventually receive good fortune. Hua Ching Ni

It’s All Relative: Solala’s Blog for week of 8/11/14

There was once a rich man from the country of Chou. He had a huge estate and many workers, who he drove unmercifully. Day after day they toiled under the hot sun to fill the coffers of the rich man. One of these was an old man who had been working for the rich man’s family for many years. His body was nearly worn out with hard work and little rest; his muscles were stringy and his breath came in […]

Quote for week of 8/4/2014

Drinking tea with Tao is about letting go of all our “stuff” and just being ourselves as we really our, in our true nature.  Aaron Fisher (Wu De)

Solala blog 5/28

Daoist Nature Meditation   There was something formed in chaos, coming before heaven and earth, existing in the silent and tranquil void. it stands alone and unchanging, It pervades everywhere without becoming exhausted, it is the mother of heaven and earth. I do not know its name and so call it Dao. For want of a better word I call it great. Being great it is far reaching. It is far reaching yet it returns to its source. Therefore I […]

Quote of the week for 5.1

Practice non-action (wu wei). Accomplish without accomplishing. Taste what has no taste. The great comes from the small. More begins with less. Return bitterness with kindness. Deal with the difficult while it is still easy. Create the large from the small. The sage does not try for greatness And so she is great. Promises made too lightly are hard to keep. Easy tasks often become difficult. The sage is always ready for difficulties And for this reason never experiences them. […]

Coming Home to Daoism

Solala’s Blog for the week of 2/4/13 I encountered Daoism after struggling with a long illness (CFIDS for over ten years, until I was completely bed-ridden) and was curious as to the philosophical background to the acupuncture treatments I was receiving. I had been studying Zen for some time but there was something about the stiffness and solemness of Zen that I was not satisfied with. I had studied Eastern thought since the ’60’s and had practiced yoga and meditation […]